Missions: March and April 2022
The missional donations for March and April will be going to the UNHCR organization that is currently supporting with the humanitarian crisis in the Ukraine.Here is a summary of what […]
St. Albert
The missional donations for March and April will be going to the UNHCR organization that is currently supporting with the humanitarian crisis in the Ukraine.Here is a summary of what […]
For the months of January and February, all missions money collected by Christ Community Church will be designated to supporting RCA Global Mission. RCA Global Mission Statement: RCA Global Mission […]
We welcome Pastor Mike to our ministry team. Pastor Mike has served for 10 years as an ordained minister of word and sacrament in the Christian Reformed Church. Pastor Mike […]
Sturgeon Hospital is seeking donations of toiletry items for patients. The following items are in short supply: toothpaste toothbrushes shampoo combs brushes If you are willing and able to help […]
Come join us in Worship! August 8, 2021 we will resume our in-person Sunday worship services. We will start at 10:30 am with a special guest Pastor, Nathan Gullion, who […]
CCC COVID-19 Protocols – Alberta Open for Summer Plan As we gather back at the church, we are reducing the number of protocols to align with the revisedAlberta Government guidelines. […]
The Children in Worship team is excited to announce that this year we are putting on an in-person Vacation Bible School between July 5th-9th, from 8:45am-12:00pm. This is for children […]
Hi everyone please take a look at this article for more information: https://digitallink.ca/charity-spotlight-st-albert-food-bank-and-community-village/?fbclid=IwAR0gaU_ZmmFfU0XuYjRFN1ElGv0iHDymglfy6Tn79lgHyqeedui3CdI_s_4 From the article: “We need food!” Suzan says. And you can help! The Food Bank has partnered […]
St. Albert Food Bank: Our mission offerings for these two months go to our local St. Albert Food Bank. https://christcommunitychurch.ca/outreach/missions/
CCC has decided to deliver its Sunday services virtually instead of in-person. If you would like to join in, just send an email to office@christcommunitychurch.ca latest by the Saturday before […]